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Matrix, Simulated world
Glitch in The Matrix

Sometimes images and videos are captured by cameras that challenge human mind and raise the question, do I really live in Matrix? Let's take a look at some of these Videos...

Philosophy, Enlightenment
The Path to Enlightenment - Allegory of the cave

Have you heard of Plato's Cave? Make no mistake, this is not a real cave, but an allegory that Plato used to compare the effects of education and its lack on our life. Plato says to imagine a cave wh...

Scape The Matrix

What you see in this video is the result of my studies and research during 6 years. And that means everything in the video was experienced by me. I decided to write a book when I realized that every 2...

Scape The Matrix - Trailer

What you see in this video is the result of my studies and research during 6 years. And that means everything in the video was experienced by me. I decided to write a book when I realized that every 2...